Trustees Report 2021
Trustees Report for the year ended 30 April 2021
The trustees who are also directors of the charity for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006, present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 30 April 2021. The trustees have adopted the provisions of Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2015).
Structure, Governance and Management
All trustees are volunteers and have the necessary skills to contribute to the management and development of the European Guide Dog Federation (EGDF). The trustees have a duty to uphold the Nolan principles in public life as well as identifying and reviewing risks to which the charity is exposed and ensuring appropriate controls are in place to provide reasonable assurance against fraud and error. Where appropriate, risks are covered by insurance.
Objectives and Activities
We have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commissions' general guidance on public benefit when reviewing our aims and objectives and in planning our future activities.
EGDF represents the needs and interests of both Europe's guide dog users and guide dog providers. Originally set up in 2007 by one of its national members, EGDF continued to develop its capacity to become a more representative and independent European umbrella non-governmental organisation, including the diverse views of its members in the policy-making at European level.
The main objectives are as follows:
- To build the capacity of EGDF as an independent NGO;
- To raise awareness of the organisation, and awareness of what a guide dog does, in order to promote this unique mobility aid and related issues in those European countries which are beginning to develop the service or where it does not exist;
- To empower Europe's guide dog users to call for a strong legal right of access at the European level to combat existing discrimination across all countries;
- To develop strategic alliances with other partner organisations campaigning for strengthened rights and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
- To participate in the development of relevant European and international standards for assistance dogs;
- To develop evidence-based research proposals in key areas related to access and mobility; and
- To develop recommendations around sight loss.
Personnel Changes
After a period of ill health, Judith Jones retired from EGDF in August 2020. Jane Richards was appointed as interim Executive Director in August 2020, initially for 6th Months, this was extended for a further 12 months and ratified by the Directors during a board meeting in February 2021
Global Pandemic
The COVID 19 pandemic affected the activity of EGDF during this year, as European travel was not allowed all meetings, both internal and external were held virtually.
Achievements and Performance
The main focus during the year was to continue building relationships with other European organisations with similar interests, increase the membership across Europe, develop new sources of income and build the capacity and influence of EGDF.
We continued to work with members and stakeholders and especially with members to develop their organisations, to facilitate cooperation between members to achieve best practice and to help fledgling members get started and operate effectively. We met virtually with existing or potential members in each country where we attended conferences or meetings conducted via video conferencing.
European Standard
We continued our leading role in the development of a set of European standards, CEN/TC 452 Assistance Dogs. The working groups prepared drafts of their part of the standard for consultation:
WG1 Terminology
WG2 Lifetime Welfare of the dogs
WG3 Competencies for assistance dogs
WG4 Training and assessment of different types of assistance dogs
WG5 Client Services
WG6 Accessibility and Universal Access
During this year, the committee met online, via Zoom. At the August plenary meeting Judith Jones resigned as the convenor as WG6 following her retirement as Executive Director from EGDF. David Adams confirmed his continuing involvement as the ANEC representative on WG6.
David Adams was asked to collaborate with CTC TC/10 Lifts, escalator and moving walkways as a representative of ANEC on CEN TC/452 WG6 as the work on this standard had identified that dogs needed to be carried on escalators and moving walkways. This was unecessary for guide and assistance dogs who can be trained to use escalators and moving walkways.
During this year, an international Standard for Assistance Dogs was proposed by the Royal Netherlands Standardisation Institute (NEN), backed by the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF), this did not receive enough support from member countries and was subsequently abandoned. It is anticipated that the European standard will ultimately be adapted to provide an International Standard.
Executive Director Designate Jane Richards became a member of the British Standards Institute mirror committee.
EGDF's expenses for participating in the standards work has been funded by ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardization. As a member of ANEC, EGDF participates in the development and revision of all European and international standards that concern accessibility. ANEC accessibility experts interact regularly online and meet together for two day each year to share their experiences with each other. ANEC and CEN also provide training webinars throughout the year.
Collaborating with other organisations
We contributed proactively to the European Disability Forum, representing 100 million disabled people across Europe, to ensure that guide dogs and other assistance dogs are considered in all their initiatives. We took part in their Extraordinary General Assembly which was held via written procedure this year, and attended a number of meetings which were all held virtually.
We maintained our relationship as a partner organisation with the European Blind Union
We continued our membership of the European Coalition for Vision and participated in several remote meetings during the year.
Our 24/7 telephone helpline is helpful for guide dog users travelling in Europe from all over the world if they have questions before or problems during their travels. We are proud of our record in solving these, often under the pressure of a short deadline. Our network of trustees and members step in when specific local help is required.
Again, we thank Debbie Jarvis for her valuable contribution to EGDF by continuing her volunteer work as membership secretary and conference administrator.
Financial review
Reserve policy
The charity's finances were improved by continuing and enhanced support from the members. The charity has no substantial reserves but regular subscriptions from members cover the ongoing operating costs. The charity intends to seek commercial sponsors to sustain the viability of the organisation. The trustees are confident that these steps, together with fundraising events, will continue to improve the financial situation.
Financial control
The trustees maintain financial and internal control on behalf of the charity. The Executive director and President are charged with having day to day control over the charity's finances. A financial report is presented to trustees at each board meeting.
Plans for future periods
In order to continue to build capacity, EGDF will strengthen its fundraising and increase the number of subscribing members and supporters across Europe. To increase its influence and networks, EGDF will further develop globally by its role in CEN/TC 452, which could in due course become an international standard, thus reducing the double discrimination that besets disabled people moving about with their assistance dogs.
Governing document
The charity is controlled by its governing document, a deed of trust, and constitutes a limited company, limited by guarantee, as defined by the Companies Act 2006.
06302385 (England and Wales)
Registered Charity number
Registered office
Marston Grange Shuckburgh Road Priors Marston Warwickshire CV47 7RS
EGDF... Serving Your Community
The European Guide Dog Federation is a European-wide organisation of bodies representing guide dog users and guide dog service providers.
It has been an official Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) since 2007. Currently there are 47 members and in 26 European countries. Some of its full member organisations have been working together for many years. Some members are fledgling organisations and others have passed this stage and are busy developing new guide dog services.
Before the creation of EGDF, guide dog users were largely invisible citizens at EU level, seen as a sub-set of the blind and partially-sighted community. They missed opportunities to influence EU decision-making directly in favour of their own specific needs and interests and rarely acted together. EGDF enables guide dog users across Europe to play a direct role in shaping policy and legislation to bring about their full and equal citizenship. We work closely with Assistance Dogs Europe on campaign issues we have in common.
EGDF... Mission Statement
The European Guide Dog Federation is dedicated to influencing laws, policies and attitudes and to ensuring excellent facilities and access for guide dog users.